On the 31st March OGEF launched a project to increased awareness of the VeraSol standard, the international quality standard covering solar products up to 350W (see VeraSol ). A Webinar brought together industry players, VeraSol, Cellule Energie (MTPTC) and the World Bank to exchange views, understand experience in other countries, and agree the approach. Because of the influx of low priced, but low quality products that have a short life, into the Haitian market, a quality standard is needed so that consumers can tell which are the better quality products. The awareness campaign will make people aware of the VeraSol label and what is stands for. VeraSol products are designed for a minimum product life, have a guarantee, and their advertising must not make exaggerated claims.
The OGEF VeraSol awareness campaign will serve as a pilot for a larger solar awareness campaign that will be launched by Cellule Energie this year.
For the OGEF campaign, OGEF will hire a communications agency to undertake field research to understand how buyers make decisions when buying solar products, develop a marketing campaign based on this data and test this in at least two areas outside Port au Prince. Any company wanting to be considered for this work should contact Laurent Dalencour (ldalencour@fdihaiti.ht) before 20th April 2021.
Combined with the launch of the Results Based Grants which promote VeraSol approved products, this awareness campaign will help increase sales of quality solar products throughout Haiti, giving people lighting, phone charging, and basic electrical services in their homes.